Fusion rifles are the most powerful, but sniper rifles and grenade launchers are safer since they're effective from longer ranges.

Additionally, you're also going to want to use weapons that are effective at range since getting close to enemies in Grandmaster Nightfalls to use weapons like shotguns or SMGs is very risky. The enemies in Grandmaster Nightfalls are much tankier than the ones found in any other activity, so having weapons with good PvE-focused perks (such as ones that improve reload speed and provide damage boosts) in your loadout is crucial. On top of this, there are tons of deadly Champion enemies you need to kill as well as active mission modifiers that limit how many revives you have, prevent revives after the 45-minute mark, and force your fireteam to return to orbit if all three players wipe. However, they also require a very high Power Level to play (currently, that Power Level is 1345) and feature enemies that are over 25 Power Levels above your own, meaning that your fireteam will do less damage than usual and will also take much more damage from enemy attacks. These prestigious Nightfall strikes reward players with tons of Exotics, masterworking materials, stat-rich Adept versions of Nightfall weapons, and a Conqueror title that you can display under your name in-game. However, if you're looking for the ultimate challenge, Bungie has you covered with Grandmaster Nightfalls.

Between its Raids, Raid challenges, and Legend and Master Nightfall strikes, there's plenty to do if you're an endgame PvE player in Destiny 2.